Board of Health

Sara Bolte - term expires 2025 Steve Kolis - term expires 2026
Suzanne Towne - term expires 2027
413-684-3811 ext 7
Monthly at Town Offices
Appointed by Select Board for 3 year terms.
The Windsor Board of Health (BOH) is a volunteer committee appointed by the Windsor Select Board and is responsible for disease prevention and control, health and environmental protection and promoting a healthy community.
The Windsor BOH serves as the representatives of both the MA Department of Public Health and the MA Department of Environmental protection, and also participates in Emergency Planning and Management for the Town of Windsor.
To fulfill their duties, the BOH develops, implements and enforces health policies, oversees inspections to maintain minimum standards for sanitation in housing and food service, assures that the basic health needs of the community are being met, and when necessary, takes action to protect the health of the community.
Harm Reduction Bus
The Harm Reduction Bus comes the third Thursday of every month and is parked at the Town Offices lower driveway from 9-11am.
Some services provided are:
Naloxone distribution
Testing HIV, HCV, other STI’s
Treatment for HCA via telehealth
Basic wound care
Referrals for community support services
Community syringe/sharps disposal/exchange
Loans available [pdf] for household wells and septic from
See linked service pages below for information about water and septic inspections.
Board of Health agendas
Board of Health minutes