Emergency Services

Windsor Police Department
Kip Buoymaster (Police Chief), term expires 2025
Jordan Koch (Officer), term expires 2027
911 (Emergencies)
413-684-0037 (Office, leave a message)
Police Dispatch: 413-684-0300 (Not for Emergencies)
Police Hours
Monday 6-8pm
Town Offices
To schedule an appointment, call the office and leave a message.
Windsor Fire Department
Jamie Hyatt (Chief)
Emergencies: 911 (for fire reports)
Fire Station: 413-684-3236 (not for fire reports)
Fire Dispatch: 413-684-0300 (not for fire reports)
Windsor Fire Department
2025 Route 9, Windsor, MA 01270
Emergency Manager
Trinity Koch
Police and Fire Chief hired by Select Board.
Other fire fighters are volunteers appointed by Fire Chief.
The emergency manager is responsible for planning and coordinating emergency management preparedness, response, recovery and mitigation and works collaboratively with the Fire Chief, Police Chief, Public Health Director and Public Works Director to ensure effective implementation of goals, training and coordination of townwide emergency management planning.