Finance Committee

Don Hall - term expires 2025
Holly Higinbotham - term expires 2027
Scott Rogers (Chair) - term expires 2027
Ben Bederson - term expires 2025
As needed.
Elected for staggered 3 year terms
The primary responsibility of the Finance Committee is to present an annual budget proposal to the townspeople of Windsor for their consideration at their Annual Town Meeting. The committee consists of 5 elected members serving over-lapping 3-year terms. We develop our annual budget recommendations within the context of a rolling 5-year budget forecast and a 10-year debt forecast. Our main objective is to design budgets that bring a modicum of certainty to the size of the town’s property tax bill (and indirectly the average tax bill) while ensuring the continued provision of public services, infrastructure and an adequate level of financial reserves.
The budget process begins in earnest in January and is completed a couple of weeks before the Annual Town Meeting. We work closely with the Select Board and department heads to help them achieve their budgetary objectives while protecting the town’s long-term financial viability and containing the overall property tax burden. The 5-year budget plan is updated during each budget cycle and is issued April.
The legal foundation of finance committees in Massachusetts is established in Chapter 39 section 16 of Massachusetts General Law (MGL), and the town’s bylaws.
Capital Planning Subcommittee
Info to be added