
Katherine Richter (Library Director)
413-684-3811 #6
Ben Harelick - term expires 2025
Stacy Litke - term expires 2026
Erin McLaughlin - term expires 2027
Library Hours
Mondays 5 - 7:30pm
Wednesdays 2 - 7pm
Saturdays 10am - 1pm
Windsor Free Public Library
Town Offices
1890 Route 9
Windsor, MA 01270
Follow the Windsor Library on Facebook
Windsor Library Director is a paid part-time town position. Trustees are elected by the town in the town elections for 3 year terms.
The Windsor Free Library located at the Town Offices is part of the CW MARS Library System and with your library card, you are able to access materials: books, dvd’s, cd’s, etc. from other libraries in the Central and Western areas.
Growing the Board of Trustees
The Windsor Free Public Library is looking to add 4 more people to our Board of Trustees. We meet over Zoom, they work with Katherine the Director on various library related topics and here is a link to check out exactly what a Trustee does.
CW MARS is a diverse library consortium made up of over 100 member libraries primarily located in Central and Western Massachusetts. CW MARS is an acronym that stands for Central and Western MAssachusetts Resource Sharing. It is the largest of nine library consortia in Massachusetts and includes academic, public, and special libraries of all sizes, from tiny towns with populations under 500 to large urban libraries with many branches. CW MARS hosts and supports the technology needed to power our shared online library catalog and library staff software
Search for what is available online in the "GALE" system. But be sure to come by the library first to get access.
15 minute video highlights some of the reasons students use Gale resources.
List of links (all free) to all the statewide databases
Upcoming Events
None right now
Museum passes available (full list [pdf])
Herman Melville’s Arrowhead
Berkshire Museum
Bidwell Museum
The Clark Art Museum
DCR Park Passes
Hancock Shaker Village
John F Kennedy Presidential Library And Museum (Use Library Card To Get 50% Off Admission)
Magic Wings
Mass MoCA
The Mount Edith Wharton’s Home
National Trust For Historic Preservation
Norman Rockwell Museum
Springfield Museums
The USS Constitution
Venfort Hall And Mansion And Gilded Age Museum