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Planning Board

Planning Board


Planning Board
  • Ben Bederson, term through 2028

  • Barbara Connors, term through 2029

  • Doug McNally (Chair), term through 2027

  • Peter Sternerup, term through 2029

Master Plan Steering Committee

Appointed by Planning board in 2021 to develop town Master Plan: Chris Cozzaglio, Barbara Connors, Holly Higinbotham (chair), Jordan Koch, Mike MacDonald, Kim Tobin


Meetings posted at the Windsor Town Office and on the Website Calendar

Planning Board elected for 5 year terms


The Planning Board is granted power under State Law to influence the town's development, both physical and economic.



Planning Board Agendas

Planning Board Minutes

Master Plan Steering Committee (now disbanded)

The Planning Board appointed the Master Plan Steering Committee in November 2021 to develop a Master Plan for the Town. After an extensive process—including a survey distributed throughout the Town and answered by nearly 20% of adult residents—the Plan is now available.

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