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Transfer Station

Transfer Station


Larry Robert (Attendant)

Transfer Station Hours

Wednesday: 6pm-7:45pm

Saturday: 8am-12:45pm

Swap Shop (the "Windsor Mall") hours are the same as transfer station hours

Hired by Select Board


While some Windsor old-timers fondly remember this as "the dump", trash has not been dumped here in decades. Rather, trash and recylables are temporarily stored here and then transferred elsewhere - to be managed by the Northern Berkshire County Solid Waste Management District. There also is a "swap shop", where useful items that are no longer needed can be left for others in town that may find a use for them.

Follow the "Transfer Station" link below to learn about required stickers, pricing, etc.


Related Services

1890 Route 9, Windsor, MA 01270 (maps)

Official Website for the Town of Windsor, Massachusetts (USA)

Send updates to Ben Bederson at


711  or  800-439-2370 (TTY/TDD)

Español: 866-930-9252 (TTY/TDD)

Wahconah Lunch Engagement
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