Cemetery plots and interments

The Town of Windsor maintains 5 cemeteries holding approximately 1,100 people going back to 1774.
Bush Cemetery
East Windsor Cemetery
Shaw Cemetery (with the new "Franek Lot")
Peru Road Cemetery
Windsor Hill Cemetery
Plus, there is one grave marker on Savoy Road

Town residents may purchase a plot by contacting the Cemetery Commission chair. Cemetery plots are 4' x 10' and are available for $150 with a check to "Town of Windsor".
Full interments are to be managed by a funeral home and require a payment of
$100 - Town of Windsor
$100 - Sexton
$550 - Excavator
Cremation burial for an urn 12" x 6" ... 24" deep requires a payment of
$100 - Town of Windsor
$100 - Sexton
Corner Posts (4): $75 - Sexton
Veteran Markers (granite): $45 - Sexton
Veteran Markers (bronze): $60 - Sexton
Flush Markers: $50 - Sexton
Baby Markers (no larger than 21" x 10"): $45 - Sexton
All rates are subject to change by the majority of the Cemetery Commission.
There will be no interments November 1 – April 1 except with the approval of the Sexton.
Full Cemetery Rules & Regulations [pdf].