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Dog Licenses

Town of Windsor Dog Licensing Information

State Law and Town Bylaws require all dogs six (6) months or older to be licensed.

****The licensing period is from May 1 – April 30 each year****

A dog license and dog tags go together but are two different things.

  • The dog license is the piece of paper you need to keep in your records. It contains pertinent information about your dog. Each license has a number. 

  • Dog tags are the metal tags that you attach to your dog's collar. These also have a number on them.  The dog tag number is written on the dog license. These numbers are not usually the same. 

Dog licenses are issued for 3 years.

  • $15 for a spayed/neutered dog

  • $30 for an intact dog

  • $10 late fee (applied after May 1)

  • $5 Replacement tag fee

Rabies vaccination records are sent by local vets monthly. Records will be updated and reviewed monthly.

  • Kennel licenses are for 3 years (contact Town Clerk for more info). Kennel fees are $70 for a 6 dog license and $120 for a 10 dog license.

Complete one form for each dog owned. If this is your first time registering your dog, you need to include the rabies certificate. If you have registered your dog before, either include the rabies certificate or the name of the vet that gave the rabies vaccine.

Mail to: Town Clerk, 1890 Route 9 Suite 2, Windsor, MA 01270 with check made out to "Town of Windsor". Include stamped self-addressed envelope. Or,

Visit the Town Clerk Office.

Dog License Form [pdf]

All outstanding fees must be paid before a new license is issued.

If your dog is not registered by the due date, further fines may be imposed.

Any questions, please call the Town Clerk’s office at 413-684-3811 #1

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