
The Town of Windsor runs Elections for its own elected offices ("local elections") as well as County, State and Federal elections.
Elections are managed by
Town Clerk
413-684-3811 #1
Register to Vote
Online Voter Registration System for Massachusetts
Check your voter information (including determining if you are registered to vote)
Vote by mail
To receive a vote by mail ballot, download and fill out the ballot application [link]. Alternatively, send or drop off a letter to the town clerk stating you wish to receive a vote by mail ballot. Include the date, your address, your mailing address if different and it must be signed, to receive your ballot packet.
Vote by Mail Ballots
Must be postmarked by November 5th and be in the Town Clerk's Office by November 8th to be counted
May be left in the black mailbox #2 in the Town Office Parking Lot. They must be there by 8pm on November 5th to be counted.
Get Involved
We are always looking for election workers for everything from stuffing envelopes to working at the poll. You do not need experience, just a willingness to learn. It's a great way to see how our elections work, first-hand. If interested, contact the Windsor Town Clerk.
Most recent results
Current and recent election results [Google Drive]
Direct links to:
11/5/24 Electrion results [pdf]
9/3/24 Primary and Town Election results [pdf]
5/13/24 Annual Town Election results [pdf]
3/5/24 Presidential Primaries (official tally sheet [pdf])