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How & What to Get Inspected

Windsor requires inspections for many aspects of construction including electric, gas & plumbing, and various health related activities such as septic and water. Many of these inspections are described in the town Zoning Bylaws.

Click here for contact Information for building, electric, gas & plumbing, and conservation inspectors..

Septic System Requirements

Essentially all homes in Windsor have septic systems. Massachusetts Title 5 rules [site] specify how to install, use, and maintain these systems. It is the policy of the Windsor Board of Health that all Title 5 septic system inspections must be witnessed by an agent of the Board of Health. Contact the Berkshire Public Health Alliance to schedule a witness by emailing or or 413-684-3811 ext 7.

Perc Requirements

There are two components of septic system design: soil evaluation and actual design. Soil evaluation consists of noting where your property lines may be so that test holes can be dug. These holes will locate your soil absorption system, which handles the fluid part of septic wastes. This step also includes actually digging the test holes with a backhoe and performing a soil examination and percolation test ("perc"). More info at the Massachusetts Title 5 description for homeowners [site]. Perc Witness requests, T5 witness requests and installation inspection requests should all go through or 413-684-3811 ext 7.

Related Services
Related Boards & Departments

1890 Route 9, Windsor, MA 01270 (maps)

Official Website for the Town of Windsor, Massachusetts (USA)

Send updates to Ben Bederson at


711  or  800-439-2370 (TTY/TDD)

Español: 866-930-9252 (TTY/TDD)

Wahconah Lunch Engagement
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