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The Town of Windsor is run by a combination of paid staff and volunteers. The following information applies to all people working for Windsor, whether paid, elected or appointed, unless otherwise noted.

Windsor Oath of Office

All people working for windsor whether paid, elected or appointed must adhere to this oath of office.

"I solumnly swear to faithfully and impartially discharge and perform all the duties incumbent on me in accordance with the bylaws of the Town of Windsor and the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. I promise to own my office, using my talents to help Windsor be the best place it can be."

Open Meeting Law

All people working for windsor whether paid, elected or appointed must follow Massachusetts open meeting laws. Furthermore, each person is expected to take the following training.

  • Training [external site] - Massachusetts maintains a website that provides training about the Open Meeting Law.

Conflict of Interest Law

The conflict of interest law, M.G.L. Chapter 268A, seeks to prevent conflicts between private interests and public duties, foster integrity in public service, and promote the public’s trust and confidence in that service by placing restrictions on what municipal employees may do on the job, after hours, and after leaving public service.

In compliance with Section 27 of the law, every state, county and municipal employee shall, within 30 days of becoming such an employee, and on an annual basis thereafter, review this summary of the COI law prepared by the State Ethics Commission and sign the acknowledgment at the end of the summary and return it to the Town Clerk.

In addition, all employees must complete the e-learning course provided by the State Ethics Commission. Municipal employees are required to take the course every other year for the duration of their employment. It provides an overview of the state conflict of interest law and the various issues you might encounter as a public employee. Recognizing and properly responding to a conflict of interest is a key element to maintaining the public’s confidence in government and in the integrity of the work we do as public employees. If, after taking this course, you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the State Ethics Commission. Upon completion, you must send the provided certificate of training to the Windsor Town Clerk.

Employment Opportunities

If the Town of Windsor has any employment opportunities, they will be listed here along with an application [Google Drive].

Related Services
Related Boards & Departments

1890 Route 9, Windsor, MA 01270 (maps)

Official Website for the Town of Windsor, Massachusetts (USA)

Send updates to Ben Bederson at


711  or  800-439-2370 (TTY/TDD)

Español: 866-930-9252 (TTY/TDD)

Wahconah Lunch Engagement
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