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Tax Abatement & Exemption Applications

You must pay 100% of all assessed taxes for which you have not received an abatement or exemption. However, there are a number of ways you can apply to reduce some of those required taxes - which are described here.

Windsor Summary for Elderly, Surviving Spouse & Blind Exemption Clauses in Effect for FY 2025 Tax Bill

Guides to Real Estate Tax Exemptions

Application Forms

What's the difference between an abatement and an exemption?

An exemption is a discharge from the obligation to pay all or part of a real estate tax based on

certain age, income, military, or disability status as set forth by the Commonwealth of

Massachusetts. An abatement happens as a result of an adjustment that lowers a property’s

valuation after the actual (not preliminary) tax bill has been issued. Exemptions are available

for seniors, low income seniors, surviving spouse or surviving minor child, veterans with

disabilities, and blind persons.

Are there other ways to reduce my taxes?

There is also a tax deferral program available for older citizens. Please contact the Assessors’

office for further information.

Does the property record card reflect any exemptions to which I may be entitled?​

Property tax exemptions are available to qualifying taxpayers according the eligibility

requirements determined by state law. Exemption information is not displayed on the

property record card. Information on exemptions is available on the town’s web site or in the

Assessors’ office.

What if I feel the value of my property value is overstated?​

This is when an owner would file for an abatement. There are three basic reasons for

granting an abatement: data error(s), overvaluation, or inequitable assessment. An

abatement application is not a complaint about taxes or how much your assessment has

increased. It is an attempt to prove that your property’s estimated market value is inaccurate

or unfair based on recent sales of comparable properties.

Do I have to apply for an abatement every year if I received one in the past?

Not necessarily. If a data correction or adjustment has been made that should be permanent,

it will carry forward to the next and following years until such time as there is a change in the

property and/or a change in the valuation methodology that affects that property. Therefore,

it would not be necessary to reapply the following year(s). If, however, a one-time adjustment

were granted just for the current year, the assumption is that the adjustment does not carry

forward into the next year. If the property owner then feels that the valuation is overstated in

the following year, he/she must submit a new application.

What if I am not satisfied with the result of the abatement hearing?​

A property owner may submit an appeal to the Massachusetts Appellate Tax Board (ATB).

Information for the Appellate Tax Board is available online by searching on

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