Transfer Station

Disposing of your trash and recyclables in Windsor requires an annual "car sticker", and there are fees to dispose of various items. Car stickers cost $75 annually and are available from the Town Clerk during their office hours along with a check payable to "Town of Windsor". New stickers are required by July 1 each year.
You will need to fill out and can send this form [pdf] to:
Transfer Station Permit
1890 Route 9, Suite 2
Windsor, MA 01270
Special Collections for 2025
Shared services [pdf] – tires, electronics, mattresses, flourescents, batteries, thermostats
Holiday Recycling Reminders
See guidance [pdf]
NEW "tag" system to replace bags (November 2023)
In an effort to reduce the introduction of unnecessary plastic to the waste stream, Windsor is
discontinuing the sale of the blue/green garbage bags for the pay to throw program. We will now sell
tags to be affixed to the trash going into the compactor. Each tag costing $1 entitles you to
throw 33 gallons of trash (the amount you could previously get into a large blue bag.) You can
choose to use large plastic bags, or you can use paper or other options. If you have 50 pound
feed bags, dog food bags etc. two of them are equivalent to the 33 gallons.
We still have quite a few of the smaller bags if you want to use them until they run out. This
program has been successfully introduced in neighboring towns and residents have been
pleased with having options to plastic bags. The tags will continue to be sold at the two general
stores. A page of five stickers for $5. Simply attach the tag to whatever bags you choose to
Swap Shop (Windsor Mall)
One person's junk is another's treasure!
Visit the Swap Shop when you visit the Transfer Station.
Drop off stuff you don't need and find a treasure. Kids welcome!
You can bring medical sharps (hypodermic needles, epi-pens, syringes, etc.). There is a sharps container inside the "mercury shed", or ask the attendant.
Medication Disposal
Not at the transfer station, but available at the Police station (lower level of Town Offices). Peel off or scribble over personal id info and drop the meds in the secure box. Don’t keep old meds around the house. It’s easy to dispose of them in the secure box.
Information about Recyling and Trash
"Beyond the Bin" website that lets you find the best way and place to donate or recycle items that don't get collected by Windsor.
Learn more about book collection [pdf] in big blue box
Windsor Recyling Guide [pdf]
MassSave Fridge/Freezer hauls working refrigerators and freezers - and pays you $75
Why Should I Compost [pdf]
Compost made easy [pdf]
6 minute video created for NBSWMD explaining composting from home [YouTube]
Disposal Fees
In addition to the car sticker, there are fees for disposing of all items (except recyclables).
Household Garbage
Tag stickers are required for disposing in Compactor - available for purchase at Friendly Fred's and Sangar General Store. Attach tag to each 33 gallon bag of garbage or equivalent.
Page of 5 stickers - $5
Large Items
Bicycle - $5
Wooden Chair - $5
Upholstered Chair - $20
Sofa - $45
Rug - $20
Box Spring - $25
Tire - $6
Tire on Rim - $10
White Goods - $15
Note: Mattresses and box springs are no longer allowed - instead, they must be brought to the Dalton Transfer Station for recycling at $40 each. Note that any mattress that is soiled, wet, has bugs or human fluids and can not be recycled will have a significantly higher charge for disposal. Please read details here [pdf].
Demolition Materials
Per Barrel - $5
6' Pickup - $75
8' Pickup - $90
One Ton - $165
Dump Truck - $365